PMP Exam Prep (Tenth edition) :Rita Mulcahy for New 2021 Exam.It follows new Exam Content Outline (ECO) with 3 domains: People, Process and Business.Comes with a set of Hot topics flash cards which will help you understand key concepts very easily.PMP Exam Prep リタ本の最新版です(PMBOK Guide 6th-edition)I bought them brand new and now changed my plans so selling it with some discount.2021年の新しいパターンのPMP試験向け最新版が新品で買ったのですが利用する機会が無いので出品します。人気なフラッシュカードがセットで発送します。Price negotiable to an extent. 値下げ可能ですのでコメントで相談ください。#PMP Exam Prep#Rita Mulcahy#リタ本#PMP#第10版#2021exam#PMI#Flash cards#ECO